Our Mantra For 2024 is…
The beginning of a new year is a common time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the next. Creating vision boards, working with wordplay and selecting a mantra are great ways to put your dreams into a physical space and work towards them every day. So we’ve been talking about what we want our 2024 to look like, complete with a mantra. What’s our mantra for 2024?
For us, this means doing our work boldly, loudly and with passion. How does that breakdown?
The Don’ts:
Don’t apologize for taking up space.
Don’t make yourself small.
Don’t forget your worth.
The Do’s:
Do stand out.
Do be proud of how tall you are.
Do let others pour into you as you do them.
Do what inspires you.
Do what helps you feel joy.