Reconnecting with Utah

Rock climbing in Snow Canyon State Park, Utah

While it’s been a good summer, it’s been a challenging one in my world. Such is the life when your husband is a touring musician. So while he was on the US leg of his tour from March through August, I was solo-parenting and working. It’s a lot on our family when he’s in and out constantly and working on a high profile tour. It’s also a lot on me … and I often fall victim to putting myself last, behind the needs and wants of everyone else.

One of the best things I ever did to get reconnected with myself and fill my bucket was to take a solo trip back in 2019. The idea of traveling solo was absolutely terrifying and the huge array of choices of what that trip could be were overwhelming. Decisions aren’t particularly my strong suit! I couldn’t figure out how to plan a solo trip that wouldn’t just be fraught with choice after choice - what to do, where to eat, how to get there, etc. And what rejuvenates me is not a city trip, but an adventure trip. So when I stumbled upon a sweet, all-inclusive resort in St. George, Utah that caters to solo travelers, especially women, I was sold. Southern Utah is one of my favorite places, and Zion is my favorite National Park. Red Mountain Resort is situated perfectly in St. George, adjacent to Snow Canyon state park and just 45 minutes from Zion, not to mention plenty of other beautiful outdoor locations. It offers a safe environment with many guided adventures so that solo travelers can feel a little less intimidated. That year I eased into solo traveling and adventuring by way of this resort and discovered who I like to call Utah Chris. She hiked Zion, rock climbed in Snow Canyon, biked mountains and learned the art of being alone. It was glorious.

And now, at the end of September and just after my 43rd birthday, Utah Chris is returning! I’m headed out to Southern Utah again to hike Angel’s Landing in Zion (yes, I have the permit), go rappelling off the sandstone cliffs Southern Utah is known for and do some stand-up paddle boarding on one of the reservoirs. Being in nature and doing these types of adventures is such an integral part of my core being. I am so looking forward to bringing the inner me back to life after a long spell of hibernating. Just in time for the international tour to begin!

~ Chris


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