Who We R

62% of Realtors are women. This equates to nearly 980,000 female Realtors across the United States.

A recent New York Times investigation outlined accusations of sexual harassment against the current National Association of Realtors (NAR) president and the culture of fear at NAR. Here’s an excerpt:

Last month, an anonymous letter, signed by “a confidential coalition of 37 involved Realtor leaders,” appeared in the mailboxes of more than two dozen N.A.R. past presidents. The unnamed authors pleaded with the organization to demand Mr. Parcell’s resignation.
“This is an intimidating process. None of us are willing to put our names on anything,” the letter reads. “We are in a crisis management situation, and the members MUST speak out.”

We’re members. We’ll speak out.

  • Sexual harassment is unacceptable. The culture of fear and retribution must end.

  • Because the actions of a few are scarring the good work of many in the real estate industry.

  • Because the inaction of many in the real estate industry have let inappropriate behavior from the few continue.

  • Because enough is enough.

On Monday, August 28, Mr. Parcell resigned as NAR President, and Tracy Kasper stepped into her role as President a few months early. Here is a portion of her memo to the association members:

“First let me say, I’m incredibly sorry for what's led us here.

We recognize there is lots of concern, anger and disappointment, and we want to acknowledge the people who have come forward and shared their stories and those of you who have shared your perspective over the past few days…

This is a really hard time for our association. But I know this is an opportunity to really listen and grow together. As your president, I take the responsibility of rebuilding very seriously. Know I'm here for you, as is the entire leadership team, and we will get through this together.”

As members of NAR, Tennessee Association of Realtors and Greater Nashville Realtors, we at Living True Home Group work professionally and personally to advocate for the real estate industry, both for our clients and our fellow Realtors. Here’s to learning, growing, changing and moving forward together.


It Was a Sweet, Sweet Summer ☀️


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